(a) COUPLES PROMENADE: Starting formation - promenade. As a unit the couple walks forward around the circle counterclockwise. Unless otherwise specified, they promenade until reaching the man's home position. At the end of the promenade the couple turns, as a unit, to face the center of the set. If promenading to the man's home position, the couple always goes at least one quarter around the square. If need be, they continue past the man's home position for another full time around.
(b) SINGLE FILE PROMENADE: Starting formation - single file promenade. Dancers move forward in single file counterclockwise or clockwise around the circle, as directed.
STYLING: In promenade position the man's hands are palm up, right forearm over the lady's left arm. Lady's hands are palm down in man's hand. Joined hands should be positioned equally between partners. In single file promenade man's arms are held in natural dance position; lady's hands on skirt, working with the natural swinging motion.
TIMING: SS, couples promenading full around, 16; three quarters, 12; one half, 8; one quarter, 4; 4 people promenading inside, 8.