04/21 |
Explode and anythingExplode and anything |
Spin Chain and Exchange the GearsSpin Chain and Exchange the Gears |
04/14 |
CrossfireCrossfire |
Peel the TopPeel the Top |
04/07 |
Follow Your NeighborFollow Your Neighbor |
03/31 |
Spin Chain the GearsSpin Chain the Gears |
03/24 |
Chase RightChase Right |
anything and Spread (lines/waves, tandem couples)anything and Spread (lines/waves, tandem couples) |
03/17 |
CoordinateCoordinate |
Explode the WaveExplode the Wave |
Relay the DeuceyRelay the Deucey |
Single Circle to a WaveSingle Circle to a Wave |
03/10 |
All Eight Spin the TopAll Eight Spin the Top |
Cut the DiamondCut the Diamond |
Teacup ChainTeacup Chain |
Triple ScootTriple Scoot |
03/03 |
Dixie GrandDixie Grand |
Fan the TopFan the Top |
Load the BoatLoad the Boat |
Peel OffPeel Off |
02/25 |
Linear CycleLinear Cycle |
Ping Pong CirculatePing Pong Circulate |
Trade the WaveTrade the Wave |
02/11 |
Diamond CirculateDiamond Circulate |
Flip the DiamondFlip the Diamond |
Track 2Track 2 |
anything and Rollanything and Roll |
01/28 |
Acey DeuceyAcey Deucey |
Shoot the Star Full AroundShoot the Star Full Around |
Spin Chain ThruSpin Chain Thru |
Turn ThruTurn Thru |
01/21 |
Allemande Left to an Allemande TharAllemande Left to an Allemande Thar |
Allemande TharAllemande Thar |
Dixie Style to an Ocean WaveDixie Style to an Ocean Wave |
Do PasoDo Paso |
See SawSee Saw |
Shoot the StarShoot the Star |
Slip the ClutchSlip the Clutch |
Walk Around the CornerWalk Around the Corner |
01/14 |
CloverleafCloverleaf |
Pass to the CenterPass to the Center |
Walk and DodgeWalk and Dodge |
01/07 |
Eight Chain ThruEight Chain Thru |
Grand Swing ThruGrand Swing Thru |
Scoot Back (1/4 tag)Scoot Back (1/4 tag) |
Spin the TopSpin the Top |
12/17 |
BacktrackBacktrack |
Left Square ThruLeft Square Thru |
Single File PromenadeSingle File Promenade |
Split TwoSplit Two |
Wrong Way GrandWrong Way Grand |
Wrong Way PromenadeWrong Way Promenade |
12/10 |
Circle to a LineCircle to a Line |
Cross FoldCross Fold |
FoldFold |
RecycleRecycle |
12/03 |
1/2 Tag1/2 Tag |
1/4 Tag1/4 Tag |
3/4 Tag3/4 Tag |
Box the GnatBox the Gnat |
Cross RunCross Run |
Extend (general)Extend (general) |
Half SashayHalf Sashay |
Square Thru on the nth HandSquare Thru on the nth Hand |
Tag the LineTag the Line |
Tag the Line directionTag the Line direction |
11/19 |
Cast Off 3/4Cast Off 3/4 |
Centers InCenters In |
Couples HingeCouples Hinge |
Couples TradeCouples Trade |
Scoot Back (box)Scoot Back (box) |
Trade ByTrade By |
11/12 |
Ferris WheelFerris Wheel |
Ladies/Men PromenadeLadies/Men Promenade |
Rollaway (circle, couple)Rollaway (circle, couple) |
Star LeftStar Left |
Star PromenadeStar Promenade |
Star RightStar Right |
Touch 1/4Touch 1/4 |
11/05 |
Box CirculateBox Circulate |
Couple Number nCouple Number n |
HingeHinge |
Reverse FlutterwheelReverse Flutterwheel |
Split CirculateSplit Circulate |
Sweep 1/4Sweep 1/4 |
10/29 |
Extend (from 1/4 tag)Extend (from 1/4 tag) |
Leaders/TrailersLeaders/Trailers |
Slide ThruSlide Thru |
Square ThruSquare Thru |
SwingSwing |
Wheel Around (and make lines, general)Wheel Around (and make lines, general) |
ZoomZoom |
10/22 |
FlutterwheelFlutterwheel |
Partner TradePartner Trade |
Pass the OceanPass the Ocean |
Wheel and DealWheel and Deal |
10/15 |
Alamo BalanceAlamo Balance |
Alamo Swing ThruAlamo Swing Thru |
All Eight CirculateAll Eight Circulate |
Allemande Left in the Alamo StyleAllemande Left in the Alamo Style |
Arm TurnArm Turn |
Circulate (Centers, Ends)Circulate (Centers, Ends) |
Dive ThruDive Thru |
Dosado to a WaveDosado to a Wave |
Left Swing ThruLeft Swing Thru |
RunRun |
Single File CirculateSingle File Circulate |
Step to a WaveStep to a Wave |
Swing ThruSwing Thru |
10/08 |
SeparateSeparate |
Separate Around n and Come into the MiddleSeparate Around n and Come into the Middle |
Separate Around n to a LineSeparate Around n to a Line |
Trade (Boys, Ends, Girls)Trade (Boys, Ends, Girls) |
09/24 |
California TwirlCalifornia Twirl |
Centers/EndsCenters/Ends |
Circulate (Girls)Circulate (Girls) |
Double Pass ThruDouble Pass Thru |
First/Next Couple Go Left/RightFirst/Next Couple Go Left/Right |
Ladies In Men SashayLadies In Men Sashay |
Star ThruStar Thru |
U-Turn BackU-Turn Back |
Weave the RingWeave the Ring |
09/17 |
Allemande LeftAllemande Left |
Bend the LineBend the Line |
Boys/GirlsBoys/Girls |
Chain Down the LineChain Down the Line |
Circle LeftCircle Left |
Circle RightCircle Right |
Circulate (Boys)Circulate (Boys) |
Couples CirculateCouples Circulate |
Courtesy TurnCourtesy Turn |
DosadoDosado |
Forward and BackForward and Back |
Four Ladies ChainFour Ladies Chain |
Grand SquareGrand Square |
Heads/SidesHeads/Sides |
Lead LeftLead Left |
Lead RightLead Right |
Partner/CornerPartner/Corner |
Pass ThruPass Thru |
Promenade (1/2, home)Promenade (1/2, home) |
Right and Left GrandRight and Left Grand |
Right and Left ThruRight and Left Thru |
Trade (Centers)Trade (Centers) |
Two Ladies Chain (across)Two Ladies Chain (across) |
Veer LeftVeer Left |
Veer RightVeer Right |