| 4 May
California Council of Square Dancers Meeting |
| 10-12 May
Silver State Square and Round Dance Festival Circus Circus Resort, Reno, Nevada Callers: Eric Henerlau, Jack Pladdys, Scott Bennett Cuer: Rey and Sherry Garza Info: https://squaredancenevada.org/festhome.htm |
| 11 May
Rockin' Jokers Circus Circus 7:30pm pre-rounds; 8:00-10:30 Plus, SSD, and rounds John Muir Middle School, 1260 Branham Lane, San Jose Caller: Darren Gallina Cuer: Arlene Scallon Info: https://www.rockinjokers.com |
 | 17 May
Advanced Squares 7:30pm pre-rounds; 7:45-10:00pm A-2 w/rounds Warm Springs Community Center, 47300 Fernald Street, Fremont Caller: Kurt Gollhardt Cuer: Arlene Scallon Info: https://www.advancedsquares.com |
 | 18 May
PACE C-1 Dance 11:00am-5:00pm Murphy Park, 260 N. Sunnyvale Avenue, Sunnyvale Caller: John Bowman Info: https://www.pacenorcal.org |
 | 18 May
El Camino Reelers "Walk and Dodge into Spring" [SSD, Plus, A-2] 7:00-10:00pm St. Andrews Church, 4111 Alma Street, Palo Alto Caller: Eric Henerlau Info: https://reelers.org/Dances/Walk&DodgeMay2024.pdf |
| 19 May
Hoedown [SSD, Mainstream, Plus] 2:00-5:00pm Newark Pavilion - Hall #1, 6430 Thornton Avenue, Newark Caller: Kurt Gollhardt Info: https://www.folkdance.com/event/statewide-2024/ |
| 23 May
Golden State Trail End Dance 7:00pm pre-rounds; 7:30pm squares w/rounds Grape Festival Fairgrounds, 413 E. Lockford Street, Lodi Caller: Lawrence Johnstone Cuer: Erin Byars |
 | 24-26 May
NCSDA Golden State Round Up Grape Festival Fairgrounds, 413 E. Lockford Street, Lodi Callers: Deborah Carroll-Jones, Dan Nordbye, Jet Roberts, Vic Ceder Cuer: Peter and Chama Gomez Info: http://www.ncsda.com/roundup2024 |
| 27 May
Memorial Day Tri-Tip Dinner 5:30pm dinner; 6:30pm Plus and SSD w/rounds Grape Festival Grounds, 413 E. Lockford Street, Lodi Callers: Lawrence Johnstone, Michael Halley Cuer: Erin Byars Info: Steve Riley sjrbear@gmail.com 209-740-9918 |
| 29 May
Fifth Wednesday Free Hoedown 6:00pm Advanced; 7:00-9:30pm SSD with a couple Plus tips w/rounds Cumberland Elementary School, 824 Cumberland Drive, Sunnyvale Callers: Tork Clark, Mike Pogue Cuers: Sandi Kremer, Arlene Scallon Info: https://bowsandbeaus.org/5th_wednesday_20240529.pdf |
 | 31 May
El Camino Reelers Open House 7:00pm club level; 7:30-9:00pm open house St. Andrews Church, 4111 Alma Street, Palo Alto Info: https://reelers.org/Dances/FunNights.html |